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Metro applications for Youth Council


Open to residents of North LA County

Metro is now accepting applications for its 2024 Metro Youth Council, encouraging teens, ages 14 to 17, from across Los Angeles County to apply.

Applications will be accepted through the deadline of Oct. 3 for teens to be considered as potential Metro Youth Council members. The group is composed of young people from communities throughout the county that Metro serves, including the San Gabriel Valley, San Fernando Valley, Gateway Cities, Central L.A., Westside Cities, South Bay, Arroyo/Verdugo, Las Virgenes/Malibu and North L.A. County.

Each member commits to a one-year term on the council during which they will share their ideas and perspectives about Metro's projects and initiatives, and how to improve the transportation system for everyone.

Since October 2021, when Metro launched its GoPass program, the agency has had more than 23 million student boardings.

“I'm amazed and inspired by the dedication and thoughtful feedback of the young people who are part of Metro's Youth Council,'' Stephanie Wiggins, CEO of Metro, said in a statement. “They have their eyes on the future and are committed to helping us make transportation better now and in the years to come.''

Students obtain experience and training that can be valuable for their future lives, according to Metro. Members can also become part of the Youth Council Cabinet, which is composed of the chair, vice chair, secretary, communications officer and special events coordinator -- providing additional leadership opportunities.

Throughout the program, participants can experience civic engagement, leadership development and networking opportunities. Members can also attend and participate in Metro events, activities and connect with their peers from across the county.

At the end of a student's term on the council, each member receives a certificate of participation and a stipend.

Additionally, each year Metro's Youth Council hosts a Youth Summit event for others who may be interested in joining and to discuss important topics affecting them. This year's summit is slated for Sept. 23, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in downtown L.A. at Union Station.

The theme for this year's summit will be traveling sustainability, and the council as well as guests will discuss how to explore L.A.'s best destinations while lowering their carbon footprint.

As part of the summit, the council and attendees will begin creating a digital Youth Destination Guide that includes places they'd like to visit and how to get there using transit.

When complete, the guide will help other youth navigate Metro's transit system and help the agency better service youth riders.

More information about Metro's Youth Council can be found at

