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Grant for Drew University


UCLA officials announced this week that the National Institutes of Health has awarded a $69.6 million grant to a consortium of Southland biomedical research teams to support efforts to turn laboratory discoveries into effective patient treatments and train future researchers.

The grant brings NIH’s total investment in the consortium to more than $152.7 million. The NIH awarded $83.1 million to the group in 2011.

NIH awarded the grant to the UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute, a research partnership of UCLA, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science and the Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute.

“As we go forward and make continued improvements in translating research into better treatments for  those diseases that cause the most disability and early deaths in Los Angeles County, our experiences and successes will provide a model for health improvement nationwide,” said Dr. John Mazziotta, vice chancellor of UCLA Health Sciences and CEO of UCLA Health.

