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Walker passes


Brandon Walker, director of the Teen Clinic which was part of T.H.E. Clinic Inc., and which produced the annual Urban Youth Summit at California State University Dominguez Hills, has passed away.

Walker died recently after a double heart and kidney transplant surgery failed.
He was honored by Congresswoman Maxine Waters, State Senator Mark Ridley Thomas, and a host of other elected officials.

Walker said he was initially drawn to the world of teen assistance by money as a youngster. “I started when I was 15 years old, so my initial motivation was the money. After I realized the impact I could have on my community, I soon took pride in the work I was doing. I still have the same feeling about the work, knowing that I can be seen as a role model in the community.”

In addition to helping produce the summit at Cal State Dominguez, Walker was involved in making sure that the clinic addressed various topics that teens needed to be aware. One important topic he and his staff of community outreach workers worked on was oral sex. They acted in a play written by Walker called “BetweenClasses” which featured performers talking about teens having oral sex in public places on middle and high school campuses.

