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Flowers for Mother

With Mother’s Day on the Horizon, many sons and daughters are seeking out gifts for their mothers.

Photo by Ijaz Rafi / Unsplash

With Mother’s Day on the Horizon, many sons and daughters are seeking out gifts for their mothers. If you’re looking for a cost-efficient and fun event to attend, the Palmdale Playhouse is hosting a Mother’s Day concert this weekend. “Flowers for Mother” will be playing on Sunday, May 5 at 4 p.m. The Palmdale Playhouse is located at 38334 10th St. East. The Sunday Night Singers will conduct a concert that pays tribute to maternal love, mother nature, and divine grace. The Sunday Singers consist of 70 people, ranging from high school students to seniors, and will present songs in various styles spanning centuries of music. 

The Sunday Night Singers is recognized as the premier choral organization in the Antelope Valley. Additionally there will be a world premiere of a piece by Vic Hernandez. This is a wonderful opportunity to bond and appreciate the overall theme of motherhood. The concert will last for up to two hours including a fifteen minute intermission. Ticket prices range between $13 and $15. Tickets and additional information are available for at 

Coming attractions include Ticket to Ride: A Tribute to John, Paul, George & Ringo on May 19 and Sounds 2 Beautiful on May 31. 

